portrait of my mind

sexta-feira, agosto 28, 2009


domingo, agosto 23, 2009

best friends

there's no such thing! there's only someone, that you can call "friend" who for a moment, it can go from one hour to several years, makes you feel that he/she will be always there for you, and you want that badly. the fact is he/she won't. you never know someone completely, it's hard to believe, it's hard to understand, but, life changes, our choices changes, everything changes, why not people? it's so sad when this person is someone you really care! so... sad when you feel this change! but you've got to understand, and I do, everyday! :)

time goes by and life goes on, someone says...

nothing is forever but even so, I miss my best friends!


"Por vezes construímos sonhos em cima de grandes pessoas... O tempo passa... e descobrimos que grandes mesmo eram os sonhos e as pessoas pequenas demais para torná-los reais!" - Bob Marley